“Hesdi!” Sissy yells. Quit it! And Chooch bursts into tears. What follows is a tender family moment that will resonate with anyone who has welcomed a new little one to the fold. Chooch Helped is a universal story of an older sibling learning to make space for a new child, told with grace by Andrea L. Rogers and stunning art from Rebecca Lee Kunz showing one Cherokee family practicing their cultural traditions.
Andrea L. Rogers is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. She grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma and graduated with an MFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe. Her collection of horror stories, Man Made Monsters, received six starred reviews and won the Walter Dean Myers Award for Young Adult fiction. She has a YA novel entitled The Art Thieves also forthcoming from Levine Querido.
Rebecca Lee Kunz (b. 1975 Norman, OK) is a multi-media artist and the owner of Tree of Life Studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She earned a BFA in painting from the College of Santa Fe in 1998. A citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, her work draws upon traditional iconography and is greatly inspired by mythic and archetypical symbolism, where each of her paintings serves as an invocation and a prayer. Chooch Helped is her debut picture book.